Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where to Start

I know, I know, I know..I am so behind on writing in my blog. I just got done reading my cousin Marisa's blog and she has inspired me to write in my blog and keep it up. I will try not to write a really long blog, but there is so much to tell.

First, Madison is 16 months already and she is her own individual person. She can say..hi,bye,stay, toby (at least she tries), mas (more), mama,da and pizza I think that is about it. She is very hard to feed believe it or not. I still have to blend some of her foods because it is too chucky and she gags on it. I hate it when she gags, throws-up and then have to wait a while before feeding her again since she threw-up all her food. Also, she is not a fan of people food. She will at times what to take bits of what we eat and we let her, but to have her sit down and eat people food would not fly. I did decide to start changing somethings and start with breakfast people food and then work my way to dinner. When she turns 18 months in Jan I will be taking away all her 3rd stage baby food. Baby food is expensive, but she needs to learn to eat more variety of people foods and get use to chewing. If any hints or advice I would love to hear them.

She is a mover and is everywhere around the house;for example, through doggy doors, up on the couch and chairs, dancing, running and walking.

I am so glad that I am home with her during the week because I am able to teach her colors, numbers and names. The girl is smart and already follows commands. She is my little helper!
Having a toddler is a new experience and like my cousin Marisa says "more exciting things to come when they are toddlers" and that is so true! Everyday there is something new and exciting. I love this age because she is so funny.

Work is okay and I hope to move to a new department next year if the manager will work with my schedule. As you all know I have totally dropped Stroller Strides and have been working out with other mom's that have dropped as well and going to the gym. Every month we make it a point to have a mom's and kids play group to catch up with other mom's that you don't see on a regular basis which is great.

Danny is busy with work and doing 12 hour shifts! He is tired, but are hanging in there.

I will continue to write once a week to inform all my friends and family about Madison and her development! So excited for more blogging