Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a Surprise!!!!

So, on Tuesday late afternoon my manager post a sign that says "manadatory metting Thurs @ 1130". I knew I would not be able to go because I had a dentist appt. So, when my manager asked who would be there I said I had a dentist appt at 11. All the nurses got crazy on me. They said, "kim dont you know you can not go to the dentist when you are prego because you will swallow some of the bacteria in your mouth". So, I told Danny to call the dentist to see if I could really go or not. He responded back saying that the dentist needed a doc note before I could go to the dentist. So, I told danny to just call the dentist back and I will go after the pregnancy because I did want want the baby or me getting sick. So, I told my manager I would be there so count me in. Also, I was thinking good I get paid for maybe 2 hours because of the meeting (because at work if you have to attend a meeting that is required you get paid).
However, once I walked into the hospital they all go "Surprise". It was a surprise baby shower for me. I started crying of course. It was so thoughtful and nice for them to do. They made food, brought drinks and got me a cake.
I got the bassinet, changing organizer, bottle dryer, clothes, wash cloths, bath stuff. It was just all so nice and thoughful.
I was a great day! :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Well, today is my Dad's birthday, so Happy Birthday Dad.
My parents came into town yesterday and both Danny and I were excited to see them because we had to show them something. Well, you know we have been doing a whole bunch of work on the house and one of the projects was to paint the outside of the house. So Danny, took it into his own hands and painted the whole house, YES THE WHOLE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE. He did this by waking up around 6 am and stopping at about 7pm this past weekend. I was so proud of him, that I could not hold it inside much longer. So, when my parents came into town I had called my mom and asked,"when are you going over to the house". My mom stated that they had friends at the RV park so they were not sure what time or if they would go over to the house that day. So me and my big mouth, I said to my mom, "okay you can not tell Dad or Danny I am telling you this, but Danny painted the whole house for Dad's b-day gift." All my mom could say was "Holy shit, he did not". Mom my was quit surprised about the whole thing herself.
So, they came over right before i just got home from work. My dad and mom was very thankful for all that Danny had done. So, Happy Birthday Dad we hope you like your gift!
I have to admit, I have picked a wonderful husband who I am proud to say it my husband. He goes above and beyond what is expected for him and he always helping my parents house with there projects every summer. I was so proud of him I had to tell my mom and brag about what he had done because he did a great job.
Great Job Papa, I love you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Great News!!!

Great News: I DO NOT have gestational diabetes. The Dr. Office called today to let me know the good news. So, my question is why did the first test come back positive???
Also, we met with the pediatric doctor today and he and his partner were really nice. The doctor sat down and asked us to tell him a little bit about ourselves, the baby and my pregnancy so far. He was highly recommended to me from the pediatric floor. So, Dr. Shah is going to be the baby's doctor and I am glad to have him to watch over the baby. It is so nice to be working in the medical field because you know who to go to and who not to choose.
Well, got to go work out!

3D Ultrasound

So, first I just want to say congrats to Danny on getting both A's in his classes. Great Job Papa.!!!

So, we went to the 3D ultrasound this past weekend on Sat and I have to say that this baby is really stubborden. I had eatin some strawberries and yogurt before I left to get something in my stomach because I new when we got back we would have breakfast. So, we get there and the lady is really nice. Of course you have to fill out stupid paperwork stuff and pay first. Then, they brough us into the room. There was a bed for me to lay on which was super comfortable and chairs and recliners for other people to sit on. There was a hugh screen in front of me and another TV in the corner if anyone was sitting over that way.
First, she goes "here we go, cover your eyes". She started playing this music which was so soft and I started to cry. I am such a baby. We saw the baby for the first time and it had it arm across its face and sleeping. And I have to say, that is how I sleep, how weird is that. But, anyways the lady kept trying to tap my belly to wake up the baby but nothing and she did this for a good 10 mins. There were a couple times the baby did take the hand of the face so we could see part of the face. It has Danny's nose and lips! Hint Hint....
She had me eat a bar and drink some apple juice, do a couple of streches and then she could re check again. Again, the child would not show his/her face completly. We did see the hand, foot and one ear and she did this for maybe 30mins. I then had to go pee and walk up and down the stairs. I came back again we re-checked the baby and still the baby did not move. See I told you the baby was stubborn. We did get a couple of good pictures, especially when the baby gave us a peace sign in front of the face and the other when the baby smiled at us. I will have my dad post the pic when they return.
Then, Sunday we had the Grimmway picnic which Grimmway Farms does every year for the employee's (the carrot cleaners, packers, stackers etc.) and Danny's company comes to provide medical services. We only had 2 people which was great, but for one of them we were in the sun for maybe 15 mins and I got so burnt. This sucks having fair skin. Thanks Dad!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Too Much For Me....

So, those of you who do not know I might have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes, is when a pregnant women develops diabetes during her pregnancy. Apparently, you may have risk factors, for example, you might be overweight before you getting pregnant, age and ethnicity etc., or you may have no risk factors and just develop the gestational diabetes. I got the screening done about a month ago and it showed my blood sugar to be 158, so then, I had to go for a 3 hour glucose test which was HORRIBLE.
First, you have to fast (so I had not eatin anything until Tuesday at 1pm and then an apple at 730pm). So, Wednesday I went to go get my test. She first took blood then said I had to pee, then you have to get blood taken every 30mins plus pee X2, then it would be every hour and pee for a total of 3 hours. I felt so naueous drinking all of that water in order to make me pee. I finally had to pee so bad that when it came to the hour marks I would pee just a little and hold it in another hour so I could pee the next time. But, the weird part about the whole thing was that I was not hungry until the last blood draw which was great. If 2 out of the 4 blood draws are + then I will have gestational diabetes.
It was very upsetting and emtional because I eat right, workout and do what is healthy for the baby and I get this news. I am more worried about the baby's health than mine because I know I will return back to normal, but when the baby is born the baby could be at risk after the delivery.
Also, on another upsettig note. I had my doc appt yesterday and I mentioned that I had not felt the baby move all day. And just when I said that, of course, the baby kicked. So, the doc wants me to do fetal kicks and go for a nonstress test that day. The nonstress test is when they hook you up to the fetal monitor and give you a button. You press the button every time you feel the baby kick. You should feel at least 10 kicks in an hour. I was not able to go that day so I went today. And, everything is normal and fine. For some reason the baby just was not active that day I guess because today the baby kicked tons. Thank God!!!
I have, I think 15 more days left to work and I am excited.
I have this weekend off and Danny and I have an appt to go for the 3D ultrasound to see what the baby looks like. And for all of you who want to know the sex..... your just going to have to wait until the delivery. If Danny and I can not know then no one else can know. I am really sorry :(

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Valley is Preparing Us

Well, last night as Danny was sitting on the bed and I was picking at his zits I glanced over to his side of the bed and saw a big yellow stain. I said to Danny "look what Valley did". He started yelling, "That's it I am getting her a diaper, ear muff's (because she always shakes her head) and mittens (because she has been scratching herself). And all we could do is laugh about the whole thing. And the funny part is.. Danny actually slept in that spot the night Valley probably had the accident.
So, then I tried to call my mom and tell her the funny news and of course she did not answer. So she called me this morning and I told her what happened. She said "Valley is just preparing the both of you for parenthood." Now I see why my cousin Marisa said to register for 2 fitted sheets, because things like this are going to happen.
How the accident probably happened is when Danny puts me to sleep it leaves Valley in the room with me and closes the door. Well, she has been I guess getting on the bed because when he comes to bed there she is on his side of the bed. And of course she is old and is going to have accidents.
So, there you have it I am already preparing myself for motherhood having Valley with me.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Re-cap Since 4/26

Well, let me re-cap on what has happened since last Saturday.
Saturday, Emerson (Danny's BF) and his girlfreind Marina came up to Bakersfield so that Danny and him could watch the Laker Game. Yes, the lakers beat the other team. Danny and I then cooked them dinner. It was about 9 pm when they just decided to head back home instead of staying the night. I guess Marina had to work on Sunday and Emerson wanted to sleep in. So they took off.

Sunday, Danny and I went to church. We cleaned around the house and just relaxed for once.

Monday, was the start of a long week. I was to work Monday - Friday and 12 hour shifts. I picked up a shift on Thursday (which was going to be my only day off). However, I was lucky because one of the co-workers picked up my Friday. YES!!!! I had the whole weekend off. I could not wait because I had a patient who was on the call light all the time wanting me to come and talk with her. For example, she would stop the IV machine and so the machine would peep. I would then have to go in there and fix it. Damn she was a pain in my ass and yes, I had her all 4 days and I needed a break from her. I was lucky because on the 3rd day she went to surgery and I did not have to worry about her until she came back to me at change of shift. I have comed to enjoy eldery people. I mean I have always really liked them, but where I work I love to have them as patient's (at least the one's that are mentally with it).
Pregnancy News: I can tell that I am retaining a lot of H2O because my legs during work are swollen and my fingers go a little numb. I was not able to workout this week, so I have saved that for the weekend.
Friday, was not every excititng for me because I had to do some things, like the banks and go pay a Macy's bill. I then came home and watch the movie 27 bridesmaid dresses, or is it 27 dresses, well, needless to say it was a cute movie.
Today, we have a couple people coming over to work on the cable, yard and Danny getting ready to paint (at least he said he was). Me, I will be cleaning the house and doing laundry.