Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So, Madison is slowly starting to talk more especially when it comes to her cartoons and identifying who they are. For example, Yo Gabba Gabba she totally opens her arms and says "baba, baba" like the guy; also, she is in love with Dora Dora and of course can say "dora, dora". There are other cartoon's that she watches and tries to say who they are, but not quite there yet. The girl is really starting to use her mouth and I all the time am talking to her and identifying what things are and what we are doing to help in her development.

She is very picky on food and slowly starting to eat more and more people food everyday, but still is a struggle everyday. I have told myself that come Jan 1st she will have no more bottle and 3rd stage baby food out the door. She is eating toddler foods, but I have to blend it because she always gags on the food and then throws-up. Also, she will be having to start feeding herself more to get use to her feeding herself and not use. In Jan she will be 18mo, so I figure it will be a good time to do all this then.

About 1 week go, she was sick and we ended up taking her to the ER because her temp was up too 102. The temp had been low about 99 to 100's and then at night it went up higher even with us giving Tylenol all day. She also had a "barking" cough which I knew was croup and with that the temps and not holding any food except her bottle we took her in. They of course said she has croup and gave some anti-nausea medication and told us to follow up with her doctor. She had to sleep with us for two days only because with the croup you can develop stridor, difficulty breathing, and this way we could watch her closely. She is doing a lot better, but still has a runny nose. On Tuesday of last week, we saw her doctor and they just gave her an inhaler for the wheezing and some pedlisone for the bronchi spasms from the croup. I myself, got sick from her and had no voice for 3 days. I never really got sick, sick just under the weather and am feeling fine now.

Danny, Emerson, Hector (Danny's little brother), my brother (David) and Emerson's co-worker all went to Vegas last weekend! They had a lot of fun, of course, did not come home with money! Danny is finally done with his online Math class and passed with a high B! Now, he is starting to look at Online Programs to hopefully get started in late Jan or early Feb on his degree.