Sunday, January 18, 2009

Madison's 6 month Check-Up

Madison has come through again sort-of. So, she is still really long, the head measures normal, but she is low on the weight. She is in the 50% for her weight. The doctor was concerned, but after discussing what she eats and how much, he seemed to be okay with her weight. We are all feeding her what she wants and believe me I know when she does not want to eat because that girl will close her mouth and not open it for nothing. We have to keep trying and not over feed her because then she will throw-up and then we have to clean the mess.

Danny starts school this Tuesday so you all wish him luck (specially me)!!! It is going to be a really hard semester again, but it will be worth it in the end. This will be the last semester of going to school early in the morning and at nights. The next two classes are during the day. He will have to work with medcor and grimmway regarding school and if they do not then he will be out of work!! We will try not to have that happen though.

Danny's parent's and little brother are here now visiting for today and leaving tomorrow since it is a holiday. Madison was not very happy to see any of them :(. Boy did she cry, cry and cry!!!! She was crying so hard that I just wanted to grab her and comfort her. I did get to hold her for a minute, then Daddy wanted her. I think she was just really tired since it was 3pm and no nap yet and also she is getting towards that stage where the stranger anxiety is hitting. Speaking of the devil she just woke up. Danny finally got her to take a nap, good job daddy! :)

I have not found out about the recovery position, but I am going to call this week to see what they have decided to do. I do not know if I mentioned that I had an interview with recovery about 1 week ago, but there was another person also applying as well, so they say. So we will was happens this week when I call.

I am good! I am the same and nothing has changed with me. I am going to however, be an instructor for stoller strides here in Bakersfield and I am really excited about it. I think I got for training in April and it is down in San Diego. That is about it with me~


Jo said...

What is a stroller ride? Do people really need someone to tell them how to put the stroller in front of them as they walk down the street? I am very confused.

Berlyg said...

It is called Stroller strides and it is a workout class for mom and baby which includes the stroller. We work out at the mall and at the park which includes running, walking and stopping every so often to do arms, legs etc.

marisa said...

That's so awesome that you're going to be a SS instructor. Kristi is an instructor too. She went to the training in SD and did it back in CA for about 6 month before we moved. She loved it and taught me quite a bit when we lived together and would go for walks and do the SS workout. I have a 10 class pass for StrollerFit (a similar company) which I'm going to use starting next week. I've got to get my butt back into working out. During the winter, we do workouts at churches or malls here too. So glad to hear Mady is doing well. Stranger anxiety comes and goes. Inara still has it once in awhile. Kids are just so darn unpredictable. Good luck to Danny on his new semester of classes.