Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Madison

I just want to give a shout out to my daughter Madison and wish her a Happy Birthday. I know she does not know it is her birthday, but we know and are so sad she is already 1! Time has gone by so fast and I cannot believe she is already 1.

She is so interested in so many things and uses her index finger to point at things. I really do not know what she is pointing at, but I just say what I think she is looking at. She is getting better at walking, sitting down after walking and moving from a sitting position to crawling. Also, she is pretty good at walking and leaning over to pick up a toy, empty water bottle etc.

She is already one and has 6 teeth! I thought kids her age only have like the top two or bottoms, but I guess she is not like any other 1 year old. We are having her try new things all the time especially what we are eating. She finally had ice cream the other day and really liked it, but of course she only had a very little bit and had a fit because she wanted more. Yes, little miss girl as her fits already and throws her arms, legs and screams when she does not get her way. However, once she understands what "no" really means and punishments those fits and tantrums will stop!

I will write more about our week with my niece's tomorrow.

Happy 1st birthday Madison. Daddy and I love you!


marisa said...

You made me laugh. Once she understands what no and punishments mean? Please tell me what age kids understand those because I'll tell ya now Inara hasn't gotten there yet. At least she doesn't throw tantrums like some other kids do where they throw themselves on the floor. Inara only cries. It is hard to believe Mady is already 1. Kids grow up WAY TOO FAST! But with each age, comes a whole new ballpark of fun things to do. When Mady points to things, go to the direction she's pointing and tell her the names of things. This will totally help her learn what things are and the words to use for them. Can't wait to hear about your week with the nieces.

Jeri said...

As you can see tomorrow has come and gone. (Kim's comment that she would update about the nieces tomorrow)
Now she is back to work, nights now so now it will even be longer before she updates. Can't blame her, working nights, teaching class, being a mom and wife is more then a full time job.