Friday, October 10, 2008

I am so confused :{

So, I do not know if you all know this but I have really been thinking about going back to school, but which do I choose from. Here are the following options:
A. Master's in Nursing
B. Master's in Nursing/ Health Administration (which is a combined course)
C. Certificate as a Legal Nurse Consultant
D. Forensic Nursing

All of these classes are online, but A and B are schedule week courses and C and D are courses that you do at your own time and you have up to 12 months to finish the classes. But, here is the really issue I am so worried I am going to do horrible because they are Graduate courses and I lose out on that money. Also, do I want to spend $20,000 for either A or B, or $ 4,000 on option C and D? I really have been looking for a sign, so God please someone give me a sign!!!!
Yes, having a Master's in nursing will help option C and D, but then option C I can work from home eventually once I build my clients and have some more experience, but at least I would have that certificate. Okay enough about me lets talk about Mady.

It has been day 4 with no poopies yet and I have been praying that she will go poopies because I really do not want to call the Dr on a Sat. again. She is 3 months already, boy can you believe it? I will take her picture today with Danny and have him post them on the computer this weekend. I forgot to mention that we have some more pictures and a video posted so check those out. On Sunday Oct 19th we are getting Miss Madison blessed at our church and I am so excited because I bought her the cutest dress for that day and also to have her introduced at our church. I know both sets of parents will be there and I hope that our friends will be able to make it along with other family.

Danny is hard at working with school work. He has to study hard this weekend because he has another test with Anatomy, but I know he will do great he has to just study hard.

I, on the other hand, as you read above have been stressing about what I should do. I go back to work next Thursday and also doing Flu shots for my hospital and Medcor my other per diem employer.

It is starting to get cooler here in Bako and so that means winter clothes and not taking Mady out so much.


marisa said...

No poopies in 4 days? That's not good. Poor little Mady. I'm thinking it's time to call the doc again. And you've been still giving her the juice right? Hmm...I would call the doc just to be on the safe side. As for school, not sure what to suggest. I'm just worried about you taking on too much all at once as I've already said. Consider which degree will be the best option for you in the long run so you can always say it was worth taking time away from my family, especially my new baby, to achieve this goal and which one will help you be at home more with Mady down the road. Hope that helps. Love ya, cuz.

Berlyg said...

Yes, I am still giving her the juice and H2O. I have changed the juice now and trying Prune juice so we will see what happens. I am not looking forward to her pooping because she is really going to hurt. My poor little girl :(!
Thank you for your information on the school!