Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What's Been Going On

First, I just want to say Happy 5 month B-day to our beautiful daughter. Gosh, I cannot believe that she is already 5 months old today. She is doing very well with eating the baby foods, rice cereal, etc. Also, she is slowly learning how to hold her bottle; she knows what her bottle is. My reading says to say the name of the object so she will learn. Also, she is beginning to sit up on her own. Yesterday, I was working with her on the bed and in her room. She sat up for maybe 1 min on the floor, and on the bed she sits for about 1-2 minutes. Now, we need to work on crawling. I have been putting her on her stomach and she does very well with lifting her head and grabbing for objects, so it is just a working progress. Oh yeah, she also knows her voice and loves to make sounds! It is very cute.

Work has been very slow because of the holidays. On Thanksgiving weekend we only had 8 patients and our max is 30, so yes very slow. Also, if it was not for the insurance I have at work then I would quit and go to another hospital. All of the protocols, rules, and how they run the hospital are starting to get ridiculous. The hospital is expecting too much from nurses, we can only do so much!!!! And on top of that they are watching their productivity and cutting staff which is starting to get unsafe. I will keep you posted on the work situation. I became a nurse to help people and do everything safely, but now you are having to watch everything you do to protect your license.

Danny has his last final in Anatomy this Thursday which we cannot wait. He got an A in communications (which is the only A in the class) and an possibly an A in English, but we wont find out until next week. The English professor said if he got a 6 on the FEE (final exit exam) then she would give him an A; however, Danny got a 5, so we will see what he gets. Good job Babe keep up the hard work :)

I forgot to mention that Danny and I purchased another car. Yes, but we got a really good deal. It was a repo from our bank. It is a Ford Expedition, Eddie Bauer edition, 8 seater, DVD player, leather seats, sunroof with only 7,200 miles for $23,000. We could not pass this car up! So I have officially bought my first car. No more leases for me! We will post a picture of it when Danny is done with his final.

1 comment:

marisa said...

I'm telling you no matter how many times people tell me, it never seems to sink in: time flies so fast now that I'm a mom. And yes, the little ones grow up so fast! You truly do need to cherish every minute, even when you feel like you're going to go insane. If those moments haven't set in yet, give it a few more months and they will. Trust me, don't push Mady to start crawling because your life will forever change the second she becomes mobile. Start child proofing the house now. Inara already broke 2 Christmas ornaments. They were plastic and nothing important, but she still beheaded them within seconds. Life as you once knew it will never be the same. And for the better!!!