Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Madison's 9 month Appointment

So, Madison had her 9 month appointment last week. She is almost 19lbs, off the charts with her length and measuring great. She did not have any shots this time but will get more on her 12month check up. Gosh, 12 month check up in 3 months I can not believe it. Anyways, the doc said that when she is 22lbs AND a year old she can sit face forward in the back seat. She is doing everything is is supposed to be doing with her grips, sitting up etc. So developmentally she is on target. She is still below weight, but he said she is catching up since she had jump a line from the last visit. He did not some worried and he just said keep up with what you are doing.

It has been very hard lately feeding her the oatmeal and/or rice cereal. For some reason we can get her to eat a good couple bits, but then she does not want anymore to do with the food. So, us who are feeding her have to keep trying until she finishes. It can take almost an hour to feed her the food, but she does finish it. I think she does not like to be at one place for a very long time and goes crazy. But, we just tell her "we are not leaving until you finish" and she does finish.

Danny is almost done with his school. He got a 86% on his last test in Anatomy which is great and English he is done with his paper. So, 2 more weeks left, Hooray!!!!


marisa said...

The picky eating begins. Just wait, girl. It gets worst. Try switching back and forth between food: one bite of cereal, a bite of the fruit or veggie, drink water, etc. Sometimes babies just need something new to change things up a bit. Have you added any diluted juice to the cereal to add some more flavor to it or tried a new brand or flavor of cereal? Inara got bored with the regular rice cereal, so I tried a whole grain one and she liked that. As for moving her car seat forward facing, wait as long as possible. It's a whole new ball park once she faces forward. If Inara sees me eating something (like a mint or gum) or drinking something, she wants it and yells. That's when I have to try to hand her her sippy cup or snack cup. Not always easy when you're driving and trying to pay attention to the road. All the new fun things that begin at 12 months old!

Jeri said...

You said she was off the charts for height but you left out saying she is 29 inches long. Weight and height mean a lot.
I agree with the cereal feeding it is a battle, but Marisa has some good ideas we should try them.

Bibiana Sabido said...

Hi Kim I was looking the pictures and I'm amazed, Madi is so Beautiful, you guys must be so proud of her.

We all miss you. See u soon!!!