Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy 10 month B-day Madison and Happy Mother's Day

First, Madison is 10 months old today can you believe it? She has been growing up so much and so fast. Well, I do have to say that the charming Madison days are over and we are definitely in the terror stage. Do not get me wrong she is still a really good girl, but she has got an attitude. She throws tantrums, screams when she does not get her way, tries to bit you and/or kick you. Yes, this is what she is doing and it is funny but sucks at the same time. All of us just look at her and let her do her thing and she gets over it.
She has been crawling on her stomach with her toes. Her abdomen is not off the floor, but she does crawl. She has 2 top teeth that have broken through the gums and are visible, but not fully come down yet.

The other night she was getting so cranky that I had thought her teeth were bothering her, so after I fed her the dinner I went into the bedroom to change her diaper and put her pj's on her. So, before changing her I wanted to give her some Tylenol. So, I put some at the side of her mouth and she took it but coughed a little and then all of a sudden she throw up lying on her back. I instantly threw her on her side and picked her up and she threw up again and really started crying. She had throw-up on her and me, but it was okay. I felt so bad that I had done this too her and all I wanted was to help her with some relief. Then, we had to give her a bath because of all the throw-up and she loved the bath and was happy again. So, before feeding her a bottle I put a drop of Tylenol in the nipple of the bottle so when she drank the bottle she would get some Tylenol without difficulty. I felt horrible that night!

Stroller Strides is going well and I have taught a couple of classes. I actually am opening up the East side of Bakersfield Stroller Strides class which will be my location. So, I have to start doing some promoting and get some more mommies on that side of town. And I have met such great mommies.

Happy Mothers Day to everyone. Well, I got my Mother's Day gift early and I was not expecting this one at all and I even did not want it at all but I got it anyways. So, you are wondering what I got...... A TICKET!!!! Yes, I got a ticket for talking on my phone, boy this sucks. I really did not want it but the officer gave it too me anyways. So, Happy Mother's Day to me.
Danny has his last finally this Monday night and is ready for a break. He has been working 12 hour shifts since 2 weeks ago because of this Swine Flu. The facility is worried and they want him there to help with the employee's and he has actually been really busy everyday for 12 hours straight. So he has been really busy and a break from school is much needed.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone and Happy 10 month B-day Madison Kathleen!!! :)


Jeri said...

I think you wanted to say that Danny has his last final this Monday night, then he is done with school or at least until summer school starts.

Danny said...

You are right Jeri, that is exactly what she meant. I am done with these exams. Some sad news though, I was not able to get that class this summer, they dropped everyone who was in the waiting list. It was worth a shot, but i'll possibly take this class in the fall.