Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ER Visit

So, yesterday night Madison and I were in her room learning to walk again. She was playing with one of her play/walker sets and decided she was done and wanted to walk towards some. I help her her turn around to face me before walking towards me; however, she wanted to stand for a minute like she normally does and I let her do so. Then, it happened so fast she got a little unsteady and started to fall back and her hand slipped out of my hand as I went to grab her and she fell on her butt then straight on her head. She cried right away (which is a good thing) and I grabbed her up so fast and was holding her and rocking her. Danny came running in the room asking what had happened. I told him and I said we needed to call the doctor. As a RN I know what can happened even if it is the littlest thing. So, we called and spoken to an RN who went through a series of questions and said since she is less than 12 months we needed to take her to the hospital. So, I then called my work and said I would be coming to the ER with my daughter and they said she would get in right away. From the time we got there to leaving the hospital at 12 am it was 2 1/2 hours. I had to register her, sign her in, got her measurements (she is 20 lbs now) and taken to the back to have to doctor look at her was all in that time. Madison, is fine and she was fine 5 mins after the fall. They said just to watch her and since I knew of what all to look for she should just go home. So, after all of that and my horrible, I mean horrible headache we went home. I felt so horrible that I caused this to happen and I have learned my lesson: Stand behind Madison, or at least to the side of her, so if she were to fall back of forward I could catch her.
Danny has finally finished school and got a A in English and B in Anatomy. Great Job Babe! :)

This past Monday we had jury duty and that was horrible. We not only had to stay all day Monday, but return Tuesday. Danny got off because someone had to watch Madison and since he never really has seen her because of school I let me go. Then, as they were going through the juror's the power went out and we had to take a 2 hr lunch. Then, after lunch I got call up and was interrogated for 20 mins from the defendant lawyer and the judge. They and I were not understanding how I felt and I was not really understanding their point of view I guess and the judge just dismissed me. It was a criminal case which involved a hit and run. All of the arguments went like this: I said the guy was guilty because if he wasn't then we would not be here and the judge states he is innocent until proven otherwise and I stated yes that is true, but right now I feel he is guilty and the facts would have to prove otherwise. And with the judge and the lawyer asking questions the judge just had enough and let me go.

I work this week and next week and then I am off until July 10th and I cannot wait. So much is going on with the wedding that I am in, Madison's 1st b-day party and stoller strides I am very busy.


marisa said...

Did she hit her head on something when she fell backwards? I'm not sure I understand why you took her to the ER. Inara has fallen many a times. Should I have been more worried?

Berlyg said...

No she did not hit her head on anything. We had to bring her in because she is less than 12 months of age. I guess if they are 12 months or older you just have to watch them unless the doc or hotline (you would speak to an RN) tells you otherwise. No, she just fell back and hit her head on the ground while standing. It went butt and head at the same time.

Jeri said...

Madison was in the bedroom so she fell butt then head on the carpet, that sounds better then the ground

MICHAEL said...

Oh the joys of motherhood! Everyday is a new challenge and something to be scared about. I'm SO HAPPY I got my tubes tied! LOL

Love you Madison!