Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick Update

I know it has been awhile since I have written in my blog so I will give everyone a quick update in the Gonzalez household.
Well, my parents have left for a week to go visit a couple of friends. I did not know that I was working my mom so much that she needed a break from Miss Madison. No, just joking they had to go to a funeral for one of there friends husbands who had passed away suddenly.

Danny is doing great and only has 4 more weeks left of school and we both are counting down the weeks/days until it is over. However, next semeter will be a little better, but Mon & Wed he will be getting home at 9 pm and Tues & Thurs at 830 pm so 4 late days.

I am of course back at work and I am really not liking my department. You see our floor is pretty much elective surgery so when you have no one scheduling surgery we do not have a full floor and that means either calling you off or putting you on stand-by which really sucks. I have been put on stand-by twice in one pay period, but luckly I got called to come to work on one of those days. However, if this happens again I do not know what I am going to do. Either go to a different hospital, department or go back to nights so I will be able to work and make money. We will see what happens and I will keep you posted.

Now to the fun part of this blog, Miss Madison. Boy, is she getting bigger and bigger. On Saturday night Danny and I finally got to hear her laugh for about 2 mins and it was great. We both started to cry. She is still sleeping through the night, but Sunday morning she woke up at 3 am and went back to bed at 4 and last night she did not sleep very well, but she did put her self back to sleep. She was not crying or anything, but she was kicking and making funny noises. She is also beginning to kind of roll to one side while sucking her thumb. She is still only crying when she is hungry, uncomfortable or she is bored. We have our next Dr visit Nov 9th so we will see her measurements and get more shots, oh how much fun for Mommy! She is beginning to really try and hold up her head and likes to sit up (of course while holding her). She is doing great! Danny will post more pictures of her this week on the blog.

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