Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Madison's First Cold

So, lately Madison has been throwing up her food at night time which I wrote in the previous blog. And, last night she threw-up again in the middle of the night at about 2 am when she woke up. Danny and I had a rough night with Mady last night. She just could not sleep. We would get her to sleep then 30 min later she would wake up crying and tossing and turning in her crib. Finally I told Danny "lets give her some Tylenol in the nipple of the bottle". At about 4 am she finally went to sleep, but in our bed. We made a letter "H" in our bed and of course Mady in the middle. I did not dare to pick her up and put her in the crib since we finally all got to sleep.

She woke up with a runny nose and tossing around in our bed which she looked to be not feeling good. I had to go teaching in the morning so she stayed home with daddy. Danny called and we were able to get into see the Dr about 1030 am. The Dr said she had a runny nose and did not seem to be congested. She said to maybe feed her a little earlier and maybe the "throw-up" is because of all the congestion in her nose. And to just watch her and if she got worst to bring her in. Madison is not her happy self and has been very,very fussy. She is so, so tired that she has a hard time falling asleep. With her sneezing, runny nose and not feeling good we are tired, but are thankful she is not really sick and both of us are home.

1 comment:

Jeri said...

She didn't really have a cold, so this one doesn't count yet. The runny nose is from the bad Bakersfield air.
You have good clear air in Arizona, or at least where we are at.
See you July 1st.

Love you guys