Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Madison's First Dr. Visit

On Monday, Madison had her first Dr. Office visit. She weighed in at 5 lbs and 3 oz. So, she lost a total of 10 oz (but she was that weight before she left the hospital so she did not lose or gain any). We have to return to the Dr on Thursday to re-check her weight. She is still slightly jaundiced but the Dr did not seem concerned and she did not mention to us of any concerns which is good. We had a talk about her feedings and questions we had.
Danny and I have been trying to catch up on our sleep and have been waking Madison up every 2 hours to feed her.
Today, I met with a lactation consultant for the hospital to go over some issues we are having with Madison latching on for feedings. She did give me another tip to use for feedings, but she highly recommended that I pump every 2 hours to get some milk flowing. The lactation personnel said that possibly my milk production is too slow for her when she latches on and Madison gets angry; therefore, I have to pump every 2 hours. Also, we should also substitute formula if we have too but start with the breast milk first. She was really nice and helpful we just hope that something will happen soon (I meaning it has already started but not a huge amount) before Danny goes back to work.
My parents have been very helpful with cooking us dinner and watching Madison at times when we sleep. However, Madison just sleeps all the time anyways so there is not much to do just yet.
We received a call from the California Newborn Screening for Genetic Testing and Madison had MCADD and GA1 deficiency's. She has to take Caritine which I guess she a vitamin we will have to give to her through the bottle. Her test came out slightly positive so we have to recheck her levels this week. Please keep Madison in your thoughts and prayers that the test will be okay and Madison will not have any problems.


Kelli said...

Kim and Danny,

Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. We are looking forwardto meeting her. Way to go on not finding out the sex before she arrived. There is nothing like the anticipation to get your through the delivery. You can't explain what it is like to have the doctor tell you you had a baby girl.
Give her a hug from us!
The Millers

marisa said...

What is MCADD and the other one you listened that has already slipped my mind? I'm unfamiilar with those. I'm sure Miss Madison will be perfect fine, even with breastfeeding. Remember she's just entered a whole new world, so she needs to time adjust and learn about her new home.

Berlyg said...

If you go to California Newborn Screening website and type in the deficiencies you can read about the MCADD and GA1. She has been statred on her medication and we are waiting for the test results that we took on Wed. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow