Sunday, September 28, 2008

Locked Out

So, Saturday I had to go to Costco and get somethings. Danny and I always put our cars in the garage. So, when Miss Mady and I had to leave the garage door opened and closed with no problem. When we returned home the garage would only open about 2 inch off the ground and then go back down. I tried it two more times just in case it needed some extra button pushes. I went to go to the front door to use the house key, but it is the wrong key. You see we have a key for the kitchen door which leads to the garage and I thought it worked for the front door and the kitchen door, but I guess not. Then, I had to get up on a bucket to unlock the gate to the backyard. I tried another door which leads to the garage and that too is locked. And of course the sliding glass door to the house is locked. Well, the only way back into the house is through the doogy door, but we replaced the old one that I could fit into. So, here I go feet first in the doogy door just in case I get stuck I can scram for help. I amazingly fit through the doogy door (just barely) to unlock the sliding glass door to get Miss Mady inside the house.

Danny was at work on Saturday about an hour away so there was no way he could come home to give me a key to the front door.

What a nightmare! Needless to say I now have a key to the front door and the garage is broken and some guys are coming out on Friday to fix the darn thing.


Jeri said...

Good thing you lost all the baby weight you had gained, but really you should have had a key to the front door. What about the alarm you have on the house, didn't it go off?

marisa said...

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! I love it. I'm telling you once you become a mommy your brain is the first thing to go. Next are the boobs. Ha ha! Last week I threw my car keys in the trash. As I got to my car, I stood there staring at the trash in my hand wondering, where the hell are my keys? We are doomed!

Berlyg said...

The alarm did not go off since the door to the hall is closed. So once inside I just turned off the alarm.