Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Husband is so Forgetful!

Since we are not using the garage because it is broken we are having to use the front door to get in and out of the house. Last night Danny came home about 930 pm from his night class. This morning he asked me "Babe do you know where my keys are?" I said " I do not know!". I opened up the door to walk him out and he still was looking for his dare keys. So, I closed the door to help him look for them. Then, he goes "Did I leave them in the door last night?" He opens up the door and there they were. Oh my gosh... He is so lucky no one tried to break in or still the cars.

I have such a forgetful husband at times!


marisa said...

Ahhh I've actually done that myself, so tell Danny he's in good company. Scary thing is I did it in our last apartment in HB which was not in the best neighborhood.

Jeri said...

Your Dad was looking for his car keys and he had left them in the ignition and the car wasn't locked. Plus, he has a bad habit of leaving the coach unlocked when we go site seeing. I told him we should put a sign on the rig that says "HELP YOURSELF"