Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Valley is Preparing Us

Well, last night as Danny was sitting on the bed and I was picking at his zits I glanced over to his side of the bed and saw a big yellow stain. I said to Danny "look what Valley did". He started yelling, "That's it I am getting her a diaper, ear muff's (because she always shakes her head) and mittens (because she has been scratching herself). And all we could do is laugh about the whole thing. And the funny part is.. Danny actually slept in that spot the night Valley probably had the accident.
So, then I tried to call my mom and tell her the funny news and of course she did not answer. So she called me this morning and I told her what happened. She said "Valley is just preparing the both of you for parenthood." Now I see why my cousin Marisa said to register for 2 fitted sheets, because things like this are going to happen.
How the accident probably happened is when Danny puts me to sleep it leaves Valley in the room with me and closes the door. Well, she has been I guess getting on the bed because when he comes to bed there she is on his side of the bed. And of course she is old and is going to have accidents.
So, there you have it I am already preparing myself for motherhood having Valley with me.


Jeri said...

How do you know it was from Valley, you did say it was Danny's side of the bed, ever heard of "Wet Dreams"? :)
Love you guys

Danny said...

Jeri, Jeri, Jeri, I can always count on you to cheer me up when I am down. Kim brought me down by telling EVERYONE the embarresing story of her picking my zits, and me sleeping on Valley's pee spot. BUT now, you are spreading other rumors that are NOT true. I am married now, I don't need wet dreams. HA HA

Jeri said...

You know me Danny, I can never let anything pass me by.
Love Ya