Thursday, May 15, 2008

Too Much For Me....

So, those of you who do not know I might have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes, is when a pregnant women develops diabetes during her pregnancy. Apparently, you may have risk factors, for example, you might be overweight before you getting pregnant, age and ethnicity etc., or you may have no risk factors and just develop the gestational diabetes. I got the screening done about a month ago and it showed my blood sugar to be 158, so then, I had to go for a 3 hour glucose test which was HORRIBLE.
First, you have to fast (so I had not eatin anything until Tuesday at 1pm and then an apple at 730pm). So, Wednesday I went to go get my test. She first took blood then said I had to pee, then you have to get blood taken every 30mins plus pee X2, then it would be every hour and pee for a total of 3 hours. I felt so naueous drinking all of that water in order to make me pee. I finally had to pee so bad that when it came to the hour marks I would pee just a little and hold it in another hour so I could pee the next time. But, the weird part about the whole thing was that I was not hungry until the last blood draw which was great. If 2 out of the 4 blood draws are + then I will have gestational diabetes.
It was very upsetting and emtional because I eat right, workout and do what is healthy for the baby and I get this news. I am more worried about the baby's health than mine because I know I will return back to normal, but when the baby is born the baby could be at risk after the delivery.
Also, on another upsettig note. I had my doc appt yesterday and I mentioned that I had not felt the baby move all day. And just when I said that, of course, the baby kicked. So, the doc wants me to do fetal kicks and go for a nonstress test that day. The nonstress test is when they hook you up to the fetal monitor and give you a button. You press the button every time you feel the baby kick. You should feel at least 10 kicks in an hour. I was not able to go that day so I went today. And, everything is normal and fine. For some reason the baby just was not active that day I guess because today the baby kicked tons. Thank God!!!
I have, I think 15 more days left to work and I am excited.
I have this weekend off and Danny and I have an appt to go for the 3D ultrasound to see what the baby looks like. And for all of you who want to know the sex..... your just going to have to wait until the delivery. If Danny and I can not know then no one else can know. I am really sorry :(


Jeri said...

If the baby takes after you then you might have days with no movement, just like you. On your days off all you do is lay on the couch, nap and watch recorded shows, you don't move at all.
Everything is going to be fine, don't stress about it, you could always go on disability early too you know.

marisa said...

I know how frustrating all the uncertainty can be. Just remember that you are doing everything you should be doing. Be sure to take lots of breaks and rest up. You will feel baby move more when you are sitting relaxing. Baby sleeps more when you are running around and on your feet. This paranoia is only the beginning, sweetie. I'm nervous about everything with Inara, but that's normal for a first time mom. You just have to have faith in yourself. Everything will be alright. And about the sex of the baby, you guys are torturing me. I went shopping and found so many cute outfits but I don't want to get something pink and frilly because I know Danny would never let his son run around in pink. Ha ha. We love you guys and have fun at your 3D ultrasound today.

MICHAEL said...

Cousin Kim, haven't you learned by now that this family is STRONG! And we always conquer everything put in front of us? You are definately a strong woman and loving vibes are always aimed your way. I am so very happy another baby is coming to join this CRAZY-ASS family. Just remember, be patient, be strong, and always be thankful for everything. You know this baby is gonna be beautiful, whether it be a boy or girl! Give my love to Danny, and do me a favor and rub your belly and tell that future cousin of mine, Uncle Spanky loves you! I Love You too K-Dawg!!!