Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a Surprise!!!!

So, on Tuesday late afternoon my manager post a sign that says "manadatory metting Thurs @ 1130". I knew I would not be able to go because I had a dentist appt. So, when my manager asked who would be there I said I had a dentist appt at 11. All the nurses got crazy on me. They said, "kim dont you know you can not go to the dentist when you are prego because you will swallow some of the bacteria in your mouth". So, I told Danny to call the dentist to see if I could really go or not. He responded back saying that the dentist needed a doc note before I could go to the dentist. So, I told danny to just call the dentist back and I will go after the pregnancy because I did want want the baby or me getting sick. So, I told my manager I would be there so count me in. Also, I was thinking good I get paid for maybe 2 hours because of the meeting (because at work if you have to attend a meeting that is required you get paid).
However, once I walked into the hospital they all go "Surprise". It was a surprise baby shower for me. I started crying of course. It was so thoughtful and nice for them to do. They made food, brought drinks and got me a cake.
I got the bassinet, changing organizer, bottle dryer, clothes, wash cloths, bath stuff. It was just all so nice and thoughful.
I was a great day! :)


Jeri said...

Since you went in did you put in for the 2 hours xtra pay??? :)

marisa said...

You are so funny! I love that they surprised you with a baby shower covered by a "mandatory meeting." That's so perfect. Get used to the crying. This is how it will be for the next couple months. It's funny getting baby stuff isn't it? Let the nesting begin!!!